Final Project Brainstorming

31 Oct 2023

Created By: Kobe Uyeda, and Tatum Umiamaka

Identify the Problem / Use Case

Currently their are many different platforms that currently exist for communication between professor and students. Our goal is to simply this all down into one platform. For messaging they have the ability to use email, discord, and laulima announcements. Their are many benefits to using certain platforms for certain situations, but its hard to navigate and keeping track of all these different communication platforms. For laulima we are not always notified of certain announcements through email, and not everyone checks laulima. For discord not everyone when they start school has created a discord account, and it requires students to receive an email to be invited to the channel the professor created. Finally while email is good it is hard to keep track of all the announcements that come in through.

The Solution

Our solution is to create a communication platform designed for the school it would implement the schools sign in system making it possible for students to get access once they register for the school year. We also plan on making it connected up to star so once the student is registered for the year they are already registered into that channel for communication. To help bring a sense of community we also plan on making it possible for students to create channels for clubs and other announcements they might have.

Pages that we would need

Beyond the basics

Schools sign in method (Oath system) - Used for authentication 3rd party extensions - Creating an API that can allow for this

Mobile friendly - makes it easier for people on the go Notification system - web browser notify/email maybe Supper extra feature Video/audio calls Privacy features

Use cases

Could be used for any school

Teachers can communicate with students and extend the capabilities of the current system Counselors can use it to meet up with students and send out meaningful announcements Star can announce any major updates that can be coming such as scholarships Parents can view any announcements teachers have sent out for major things Clubs can organize from remote areas