My Interest In Software Engineering

29 Aug 2023

My Interest In Software Engineering

What Made Me Interested in Software Engineering

I have always been fascinated by how you can almost do anything with computers. I think the first time I actually ever used a computer was accessing YouTube when I was around 7 years old. Time sure has flown. Nowadays I constantly see new sites and new projects getting developed that always amaze me. It was not until I was in high school I had my first breath of programming. In high school, our teacher taught us how to program in Python. This experience brought so much fun developing solutions to problems, and also getting to customize the project the way we wanted it. This is what developed my interest in becoming a software engineer.

What I Have Learned and Hope to Learn in College

Since coming to college I started to learn a lot more about coding standards, text editors, and Linux operating systems in general. As I work on my last year of college I hope to learn more in the fields of AI, OS, and cloud computing. While school may not give me all the skills and answers I need in these departments, I am a firm believer in lifelong learning. So even if I don’t cover these things in my last year of school, I hope the skills I have gained throughout college will make it possible for me to learn these concepts on my own.

Skills I Hope to Develop in the Future

As I have coded on multiple projects I have realized that I have struggled on certain occasions. The main part I struggle with is understanding the directions that are given for certain coded projects. During projects sometimes we may be given incomplete instructions or no instructions at all. That being said I hope in the future I can develop the skill to develop good documentation that anyone should be able to understand. I then hope to also one day be able to understand bad or no documentation at all.