
During the 2021 fall, Hawaii put on one of its annual code challenges. During that competition, I created my own team and I tackled one of the problems that they issued to everyone. The project I took on was to help develop a platform to help the public alert public officials of the endangered monk seals. During this project, I leveraged a MongoDB database, Python, and React. I was the sole person on this team. We allowed users to input info HMAR wanted, and we were able to group up each incident if it was in the same general vicinity and the report happened pretty close to each other. We then had an admin section allowing HMAR admin to add notes to any incident reported and had a way for them to search through the reports and export data accordingly into an excel file.

Some challenges that where faced along the way is getting access to test data. They did in the end give us an excel sheet of test data, but certain columns where hidden for some reason. This project was a good experience on how real world situations where some times you don’t have the data. Underneath is a link to the devpost which links to the github repo that stores the code.

To see further what this project can do go to the project site at: